I have physically moved the SIPPONEN.COM to a new service provider. Virtually it is still at the same location as it has been, meaning the address www.sipponen.com.
My earlier service provider Nebula was really good and stable, but after I quickly made a benchmark about the prices it became clear to me that I’m paying too much. With my new service provider Domainmaailma the cost level is one third and as a really nice bonus they use cPanel which means I can configure by myself pretty much what I want to related to my web hotel services. Also adjusting capacities like disk space, network transfer quotas, number of email boxes, databases etc. is really simple and real-time change. This kind of things of course affect to the price of the service, but it is rather “affordable” and scaling is possible up and downwards without any notification periods. This I would call as a cloud service. 🙂
So far it seems that I have found good+cheap+fancy SP for my site. As everybody knows this kind of equation usually “does not compute”, but let’s see. So far so good and since I’m quite DIY type of a person who knows if this really is the perfect service for me. 🙂
At the same time I needed to change my domain registrar from Joker to Enom (to get all the benefits hanging at this SP transition) and seems that this change has now been replicated pretty much all over the globe. Also it seems that there were not any kind of downtime for my site while committing the transition, so this really seems to be too good of being true.